All BEL research rated above or well above world standard

8 Dec 2015

The exceptional quality of UQ’s Faculty of Business, Economics and Law (BEL) research was re-affirmed in the recently-released 2015 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) assessment.

All BEL fields of research were evaluated above world standard (4) or well above world standard (5) in this national peer review benchmarking exercise which applies a five point scale.

Since the previous assessment in 2012 BEL results showed:

  • BEL gained new “well above world standard” (5) rating in the broad fields of Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services; and in the specialist field of Tourism
  • BEL retained its 5 rating in the specialist fields: Economic Theory, Business and Management and Business Information Systems
  • BEL retained its “above world standard” rating (4) in the broad fields of Information and Computer Sciences; Economics; and Law and Legal Studies; and in the specialist fields of: Applied Economics, Econometrics, Accounting, Marketing and Law.

All research at The University of Queensland was evaluated as at world standard or above with UQ topping the nation in five fields including Tourism.

UQ Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Peter Høj said the results reaffirmed UQ was one of the nation’s three leading research-focused institutions, offering world-class research-led education across all fields.

“These results demonstrate the high calibre of our researchers, who excel across all disciplines to produce benefits for society through outstanding research on problems of global significance,” he said.

“They also show why so many international companies and organisations engage with UQ to jointly push innovation at an accelerated pace. Transformative innovation is invariably built on a base of disciplinary and inter-disciplinary excellence.”

BEL Associate Dean (Research) Professor Victor Callan, said the 2015 results underlined the strength of the faculty research nationally and internationally.

“This can be attributed to both a large group of established international researchers, as well as UQ’s success in recruiting very talented early career researchers,” he said.

The ERA results can be seen here.
