Programs and course advice
Follow your program plan to choose courses and complete your degree without problems. Your program plan will tell you in what order, and in which year and semester you should enrol in particular courses. Check back here before you enrol each semester to see if your program plan has changed to ensure that you are choosing courses that count towards graduation, and check Programs and Courses for current semester offerings.
UQ has updated programs and courses across the board with effect from 2021. If you are a student that commenced prior to 2021, check our advice about 2021 changes to see how you may be affected.
Undergraduate students, complete a progression check mid-late in your program to ensure that you can graduate as expected.
Tips for planning your program
To plan your program, look up the courses and requirements for it, click through to the core courses you need to do and the elective courses you are interested in to work out which semester they are offered, and whether they require pre-requisites or have restrictions. If a pre-requisite course is required, plan to do it before the more advanced one.
- Save your electives if you want to study overseas or take a Work Integrated Learning course.
- For the latest information about the courses available to you, find your program in Programs and courses in my.UQ, and drill down to courses from there.
- Confused by course descriptions? Read an explanation of terms used to describe courses at UQ.
- If you're thinking about upgrading to another program through your current enrolment, contact us for advice on your course selection.
If you have any questions, contact the BEL Student Centre for help.
Undergraduate programs
Bachelor of Advanced Business (Honours)
Bachelor of Advanced Finance and Economics (Honours)
Bachelor of Business Management
Bachelor of Business Management/Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Business Management/Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Business Management/Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management (pre-2021)
Bachelor of Business Management/Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Bachelor of Business Management/Bachelor of Laws (pre-2015)
Bachelor of Business Management/Bachelor of Tourism, Hotel and Event Management
Bachelor of Business Management/External Dual
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws (pre-2015)
Bachelor of Commerce/External Dual
Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Laws (pre-2015)
Bachelor of Economics/External Dual
Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management (pre-2021)
Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/External Dual
Bachelor of Laws (pre-2015)
Bachelor of Laws/External Dual (pre-2015)
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Honours)
Bachelor of Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
Bachelor of Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management/ External Dual
Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Postgraduate programs
Business postgraduate programs
Economics postgraduate programs