Economics Honours student wins QCA prize

29 Oct 2013

UQ Economics Honours student Bang Nguyen has been recognised as the winner of the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) prize for his excellent grades in 2012.

Mr Nguyen took out the prize, worth $1000, for achieving the highest combined results in two economics courses, Regulatory Economics and Advanced Microeconomics.

The QCA is an independent statutory authority established in 1997 to promote competition as the basis for enhancing efficiency and growth in the Queensland economy.

The QCA’s primary role is to ensure that monopoly businesses operating in Queensland, particularly in the provision of key infrastructure, do not abuse their market power through unfair pricing or restrictive access arrangements.

In 2012–13, the QCA’s role was expanded to include responsibility for regulatory reform, through the establishment of the Office of Best Practice Regulation.

At an awards ceremony in honour of his achievement on Monday 30 September, QCA Chief Executive Officer Mark Gray presented Mr Nguyen with his award.

Congratulations to Mr Nguyen, who will graduate with Honours at the end of this year.

For more information on the Queensland Competition Authority, visit
