BEL Research areas
Faculty research office
Associate Dean (Research): Professor Martie-Louise Verreynne
Senior Research Partnerships Manager: Amanda Smith
Enquiries: BEL Contracts
For a comprehensive list, please see the Research section of our Contacts page.
Schools and Centres
Business School
Depth in business disciplines and tourism with hubs for sustainability, health, service innovation, trust and ethics, and practice and process studies.
Our acclaimed researchers will work with you to design impactful research projects that influence the future of your organisation.
Explore research in the Business School.
Australian Institute for Business and Economics
The Australian Institute for Business and Economics (AIBE) is a co-lab for applied research, problem-solving and student development. With access to over 200 business and economics experts, we are uniquely positioned to build specialised research teams to meet the needs of complex projects, reviews and partnerships.
Law School
UQ Law researchers explore a wide range of legal issues of national and international importance.
UQ Law connects people and capabilities across research themes that extend beyond legal disciplines and relate to broad societal problems or areas of human endeavour. Working individually and with partners across diverse contexts, we're committed to developing law, legal policy and practice to improve society.
Explore research in the Law School.
School of Economics
Above world standard for economic theory and econometrics with specialisations in efficiency and productivity, behavioural research, energy, sustainability and macroeconomics.
Our researchers facilitate team-based discovery and collaboration, bringing the benefits of this research to the external community through consulting and other engagement activities.
Explore research in the School of Economics.
Centre for the Business and Economics of Health
Australia’s only research centre dedicated to the business and economics of health. Through priority-led research and thought leadership, CBEH researchers focus on areas where there is a pressing need and the potential to contribute directly to health system improvement, including preventive health measures and a focus on a value-based health system. Our methods are flexible and scalable, and we apply our expertise across health sectors and services.
Business, Economics and Law Faculty
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