UQ Assets and Tools

Transitions are complex and multi-faceted affecting every part of a system. Infrastructure is currently experiencing multiple transitions and is vital to enable other industries to achieve their required transitions. Yet understanding how to transitions systems and their implications (often unintended) across the system and how these can change over time is challenging. Industries and economies globally are moving towards net zero, circular, digital and resilient pieces of infrastructure, supply chains and systems. Being able to visualise these systems and model different scenarios can assist the various stakeholders acting to support a smooth and effective transition. This is why the SIRH has invested in developing systems modelling, for example of supply chains, as well as digital modelling of infrastructure and assets.

UQ Supply Chain Tool

We have used a system dynamics model to create a representation of the hydrogen supply chains. Users can experiment with different supply chain combinations. Input your own data to explore footprints over time.

 Learn more about the Hydrogen System Dynamics tool

UQ Digital Twin

We are pioneering the use of digital assets to enhance the sustainability of infrastructure projects. Our approach focuses on the comprehensive integration and management of digital models, ensuring that all design phases align with quality management standards and project objectives.

UQ VisLab

The Visualisation Lab focuses on digital twin technologies to bring data to life with a focus on digital modelling and decision-making processes for complex architectural, engineering and urban design problems, through immersive environments, VR and AR technologies.

 Learn more about UQ's VisLab

UQ Social VR World

Our team collaborated with the international research organisation GRONEN to deliver two sessions in virtual reality at a conference for business and management academics. The conference series was conducted as a study to investigate the potential of virtual reality in creating more sustainable conferences worldwide. 

 Learn about UQ's contribution to the GRONEN conference