Exclusive interviews and conversations with inspirational industry leaders, and our alumni and current students. Listen in to hear their stories and most memorable career hacks.
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You've got to be in it to win it

July 18, 2024

You've got to be in it to win it! In this episode, international student Jaanvi Singh explains how meeting Marta Newport from Grant Thornton at a UQBA networking event helped her land a job before she has even graduated! Jaanvi and Marta delve into how her involvement in student societies and vacation roles led to securing a position with one of Brisbane's leading tax advisories.

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Building Bridges: Networking your Way to Graduate Success

June 14, 2024

Sometimes, all it takes is to ask the right question at the right time. In this episode, we hear from German-national Lucas Fleege, who built his experience through internships and case competitions, and leveraged his networks to secure a graduate role at the other side of the world – with advisory firm KPMG in Brisbane.
Lucas provides valuable insights into his journey, highlighting how building a strong professional network and seizing the opportunities that present themselves opened the door to graduate success for him.

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A mentor can make you

SEPTEMBER 01, 2023

Mentorship can provide numerous benefits for mentors and their mentees. Developing this relationship can help both of you learn new things, build your networks and grow as professionals. Understanding these benefits can help discover a deeper understanding of your professional goals and open up opportunities you never thought were possible. The first step is getting outside your comfort zone and build diversity of thought, experience and culture.

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Nurture your network

AUGUST 11, 2023

Networking is an essential aspect of business and building a career. How to do it effectively, when to begin and what to say, are all questions we ask ourselves when first stepping into the world of professional relationship building. Today we speak to K Y Wong, an alumna who has some incredible insights and success leveraging relationships, building lifelong friends, and business partners. Networking is nothing new, but its impact can change the trajectory of your career. So, start now!

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Year 1: Nailing your first year experience

MARCH 24, 2023

Starting university can be a challenge, especially for those of you who've just left school and are transitioning into the small ‘town’ that is UQ. On the upside, the next few years will be some of the best and most action-packed you will have! Today we speak to Nicole Meyer who managed to squeeze so much into her first-year schedule, it truly will make you wonder how she did it. Hear about some of the highlights and lessons learned during a rather impressive entry into ‘Uni Life’.

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Industry experience made easy

MARCH 3, 2023

Getting industry experience is the best way to figure out what direction you see your career going. How to secure it and where to find it are often questions our team get asked. Look no further than our Student Work Experience Program (SWEP) designed to give you the full graduate recruitment experience as well as a solid chance to secure a placement with our industry partners. Hannah is one of our latest students to undertake SWEP and her journey at the Qld Treasury truly speaks for itself. Putting yourself out there can bring amazing opportunities!

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Personal adversity and the professional self: Working through the tough stuff

DECEMBER 2, 2022

Trigger warning: This episode discusses grief and loss which some may find distressing. We encourage you to seek support if needed. 

We all have personal challenges and face adversity throughout our lives. Some situations we are confronted with can completely change the trajectory of our perceived future and rock us to our very core. In this episode, Sonja Basson shares her journey of working through major life upheaval and discusses what she discovered about herself when life took a very unexpected turn. Hear how she rebuilt herself and had an incredible career with one of the 'Big 4' and what strategies helped her along the way.

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First Impressions Count

OCTOBER 7, 2022

Saying the right thing, to the right person at the right time can open doors you didn't even know existed. The only limiting factor is our fear of putting ourselves out there and talking to the 'strangers' we cross paths with every day. Amber Kerston is one such person who seized an opportunity through her ability to engage and build connections with those around her. Listen to how she gained a graduate role in a very unassuming environment and the true value of authentic networking.

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Industry Networks: Connections made easy

SEPTEMBER 23, 2022

In your hunt for a job, it is crucial you have solid industry knowledge and relationships to rely on. The whole idea of networking and when or where to begin is often a great source of confusion and procrastination for students and professionals alike. BEL Careers quite literally hand these opportunities to students, all you need to do is grab them. Hear from our resident networking master Sarah Henderson and find out what we are doing to get our students connected.

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Work Experience and Mentoring: The steps to success

JULY 15, 2022

Whether it be a Start-up or one of the 'Big Four', pathways to a solid career begin by exploring opportunities that provide exposure to industry professionals and skills that employers currently value and desire.  Today we speak BABS graduate Karen Liang who landed a role with KPMG. By taking advantage of all BEL Careers had to offer, Karen gained incredible career insights and industry knowledge while undertaking a SWEP placement and seeking out multiple mentors through our Career Mentoring Program.  Hear how these experiences proved invaluable in Karen gaining an offer from one of the world's most prestigious firms.

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Career Change: It is not if but when

JULY 1, 2022

Career change is something we will all face. On average, a person will have 5 distinct careers in their lifetime with many requiring significant upskilling or perhaps a return to university as a mature-aged student. 

Today we speak with Victoria Limerick and discuss the biggest transition of her life. Having studied a business degree and practising in HR for a decade she made the decision to start afresh throwing herself into a Laws degree. Studying as a mature-aged student presents many challenges, hear how Victoria maximised her experience after many years out of the study bubble of university.

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High Society: Student associations and professional development

JUNE 3, 2022

Today we are meeting Feliza Anindita, a penultimate student studying Bachelor of Advanced Business at UQ with a keen interest in the asset management, venture capital, and strategy consulting industries. Feliza currently works at Bentleys advisory and accounting firm and is the treasurer at the brand-new Fintech society on campus. The development and opportunity which has come from her engagement in societies and associations are immeasurable when marketing herself to industry. Find out why there is so much value in being actively involved in campus life.

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Grad Programs and a Global Pandemic: Advice from a lived experience

MAY 20, 2022

In this episode, Ryan talks with Sabrina Schreiber from KPMG’s Advisory arm. As a UQ alumni who graduated straight into the global pandemic, she had an interesting start to her grad program.  Having crammed  as many extracurricular opportunities as she could, Sabrina is incredibly placed to discuss all things Career Hacks and what got her into Management Consulting at one of the 'Big Four'.

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Legal Clerkships: What they don't tell you

MAY 6, 2022

Katie talks with three current law students who recently completed legal clerkships. Hear from Paivi Adeniyi, Alex Zagami and Gabi Roworth and their recent experience navigating the clerkship recruitment process and learn what they wish they knew when they were in their penultimate year.

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Playing Hide and Seek: Australia's hidden job market

MARCH 25, 2022

Did you know that over 70% of jobs are filled through networking instead of traditional advertising channels? In this episode, Nathan Shokker, Founder and CEO of SafeCompany, shares how you can tap into the hidden job market. Nathan also tells us his top tips on how to start building an authentic professional network – which in today's ever-evolving world of work has never been more important.

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Careers and Culture Shock: A guide for international students

MARCH 11, 2022

Two key challenges for international students is gaining experience once your UQ journey has begun and adjusting to the Australian way of life.  Culture, doesn't just describe our social environment but includes workplaces and the expectations of the industry within them. The first step to overcome these barriers is to take advantage of the many opportunities UQ offers to connect students with each other and our industry partners.

In this episode, Sarah Henderson talks with Ayasha Jain and Lavender Shu about their lived experience as international students at UQ, their personal career journeys and finally advice for students based on their involvement being on the other side of the recruitment process.

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You made it to UQ! Now what?

FEBRUARY 25, 2022

Having never seriously considered a Uni pathway, Appolonia grabbed the opportunities available to her through the Young Achievers Program and committed to a degree in business. Reflecting on her first year, Appolonia discusses some of her challenges as a new student and the game-changing decisions she made to improve her experience and connection.  Advice from those who have walked in your shoes is the most valuable of all. Listen in to hear some brilliant tips on how you too can feel part of our community and make the most of what UQ has to offer.

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Opportunity rarely waits: Your career success begins now!

FEBRUARY 4, 2022

In this episode, we are joined by career coach and job search strategist, Kelly Phelan, as we talk about how first-year students can get a head start on their career. Kelly shares why it’s important to start building your employability early, and reveals her number one career hack!

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Connecting with Consultancy

DECEMBER 3, 2021

In this episode, Ryan talks with Jarrod McComas about completing a dual degree in Business Management and Economics to enter an exciting career in Management Consultancy. Now that Jarrod is on the other side of the student experience, we will also discuss some of the observations he has had while being part of the BEL Careers and Employability events on campus. We also discuss a trip to Japan.  

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To University and Beyond!

NOVEMBER 19, 2021

With another exam period behind us, take some time to breathe, relax and contemplate your next adventure. Why not kick off your summer holidays by tuning into our conversation with Mitchell Laughlin, a final year Bachelor of Advanced Finance and Economics (Honours) student who is about to start his career with the Australian Government's Treasury. Listen in for some extra tips and insights on how to accelerate your student experience and career readiness.

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Meet Your BEL Career Advisors

NOVEMBER 10, 2021

Meet your BEL Career Advisors! Listen in to find out who we are and how this team of career specialists can support you in your very own career success. You’ll get some useful tips on how to build your employability while at uni – and may be surprised by what the team gets up to in their free time.

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