Industry consulting project

An industry consulting project involves working in a team with other students on a professional response to a project brief provided by an industry partner.

Industry consulting project

An industry consulting project involves working in a team with other
students on a professional response to a project brief provided by an industry partner.

Industry consulting projects are currently only available for BEL Faculty students who are eligible to take RBUS3888, RBUS4888, RBUS7888, and BSAN7215.

Timing and location 

The project runs for the duration of semester. You will meet weekly to work with your project team and receive direction and support from a project mentor that is assigned to your group.

The project team will not be located at the organisation but will conduct regular business meetings with the industry partner. You can attend project meetings in-person on the St Lucia campus or participate online. If you work online, it is expected you will use a video conferencing tool such as Zoom to work with your team and meet with the industry partner.

Project options

Projects are designed to boost your employability and apply your disciplinary knowledge in a practical setting. Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Advisors source projects; you can indicate your preferred projects during the application process and we'll aim to accommodate your preferences.

Industry partners

We leverage UQ’s extensive industry network to identify exciting and challenging projects suitable for WIL courses. Each semester, we work with different industry partners and aim to source projects that meet students' varied interests.

We work with different partners each semester. Past partners include Cancer Council Queensland, Netball Queensland, the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health and So Brave, an Australian charity for young women with breast cancer.

Approval process

Unlike other courses, you must apply and be approved before enrolling in a WIL course. To be eligible, you must be in the final year of your degree program, with space for an elective, and a minimum GPA of 4.

How to apply

Applying to do an industry consulting project requires a few steps. We recommend you start the process at least a month before the semester commences.

  1. Find out if you’re eligible to take a WIL course by completing the WIL Application Form
  2. You will be advised of your eligibility by email within approximately two weeks after submission of your application. If you have commenced your application process for this course, you will be able to enrol in the course up until the Friday of week 2 of the semester if you meet the eligibility requirements for the course. 
  3. The project details will not be available until four week prior to the commencement of the semester. You will be notified via email of the project options and requested to put forward your preferences. Please monitor your emails in the lead into semester to ensure you don’t miss the deadline for preference submissions.

Express interest

Get in touch to let us know you are interested. We can help you check your eligibility and match you to opportunities as they become available.



      Still have questions? Attend a consult with a WIL Advisor or email