Use the program plan to select courses and smoothly progress towards your degree. Check back here before you enrol each semester to see if your program plan has changed to ensure that you are choosing courses that count towards graduation.

Complete your progression check at the end of each semester to ensure you are on track to graduate on time. 

This Progression Check Sheet acts as a guide to the courses required for you to meet the requirements of your program. Use the sheet to tick off the courses you have successfully passed whilst enrolled in your program (including credit from previous UQ study or through a credit transfer from another institution). 

This sheet is to be used as a self-check guide, and you are responsible for ensuring that you have complied with the rules relating to your program and have completed sufficient units to meet graduation requirements. Program planning advice is not binding on the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law or The University of Queensland.

Download your progression check.

After printing your Progression Check Sheet please follow the instructions on how to complete your progression check. 

Your progression check sheet is dated to indicate the year of your program commencement.

If you commenced your program prior to the dates specified, please contact us for assistance.


A revised program structure for the Bachelor of Economics commenced in 2021 as a result of a program review.

What does this mean for you?

As a current student, you have the option to continue to follow the current (pre-2021) BEcon program requirements, OR transfer to the 2021 program and requirements to complete your study.

If you decide to change program, including to a BEcon dual program, you will be required to follow the 2021 requirements.

Please be aware that if you are a Commonwealth Supported student changing program, Federal Government legislative changes may impact your fees. Refer to my.UQ for information.

Please read the information below carefully and consider the option that is best for you. If you decide you would like to change to the 2021 requirements, you will need to submit a program change request on mySI-net by 12 February 2021 (program change requests will open 4 December 2020).

The table below provides a basic summary of the changes. For a comprehensive comparison you need to review the requirements and course lists on Programs and Courses – see further information below under ‘What you need to do’. 



From 2021

20 units (10 courses) of core courses from Group 1

22 units (11 courses) of core courses from Group 1

16 units (8 courses) of core courses

A major is optional and comprises 14 units (7 courses), which must fit within the group 2, 3 and general elective requirements

A major is optional and comprises 12 units (6 courses)


  • A major is optional and comprises 16 units (8 courses)

  • A new major has been introduced: Economics of Strategy and Behaviour

  • The International Trade and Finance major has been renamed International and Financial Economics

  • The Quantitative Methods major has been renamed Quantitative Analysis

  • The Business and Industry and Natural Resources and Environment majors have been discontinued

  • Program electives (which may include a major) comprise 20 units (10 courses)

  • Up to 8 units (4 courses) of general electives may be taken

  • Program electives (which may include a major) comprise 18 units (9 courses)

  • Up to 8 units (4 courses) of general electives may be taken

  • Program electives (which may include a major) comprise 16 units (8 courses).

  • Up to 16 units (8 courses) of general electives may be taken

Total 48 units required 

Total 48 units required 

Total 48 units required 

In making a decision about which requirements to follow, you need to consider the courses you have already completed, the major/s (if any) you wish to complete, as well as the courses you will be required to complete.  If you change to the 2021 program and requirements, course credit will only be given where it fits within the new requirements. 

Please note:

If you wish to complete one of the discontinued majors you will need to remain under your current (pre-2021) requirements. If you wish to complete the new Economics of Strategy and Behaviour major or a renamed major you will need to change to the 2021 program and requirements.

What you need to do

To help you make a decision about which requirements to follow, we recommend you complete a progression check for each version of the program requirements.  When completing the check, please remember to refer to the program requirements and course list for the appropriate year on the Programs and Courses website:

To view the appropriate year on Programs and Courses, select the relevant year from the drop down box next to ‘show information for’ in the top right hand corner of the page and click ‘change’, then select your program from the list.

If you decide you would like to change to the 2021 requirements, you will need to submit a program change request on mySI-net by 12 February 2021 (program change requests will open 4 December 2020).

If you are remaining in your current program and therefore following pre-2021 requirements, please be aware there may be some changes to course offerings. Refer to our changes to courses page for further details.


Please rest assured we are committed to assisting you to progress through and successfully complete your program.

If you need further information or advice about these changes, please contact the BEL Student Administration Team at

Why has UQ made these changes?

For a number of years now, UQ has been reimagining the learning experience it delivers for you, our students. We recognise that Universities must ensure they develop enterprising graduates with the knowledge, skills and networks to build meaningful and impactful careers that can be sustained and adapted over the course of a lifetime. With this in mind, the University embarked on an ambitious review of every course, major and degree program on offer at UQ to make sure that we were delivering the best possible outcomes for you as you embark on navigating your career.