In your first semester,  if you need any help with your BEL studies, credit transfer or planning your enrolment, contact your dedicated First Semester Advisors, Helen and Lorraine, in the BEL Student Centre.

Meet Helen and Lorraine, your First Semester Advisors

For easy viewing in China, please watch this video here on Brightcove.

Important dates

Visit Starting at UQ to enrol in at least one course (subject) according to your program plan by Friday 21 February 2025. 

If you have been granted credit for previous studies, enrol in the courses listed for you in your 'Welcome to UQ - Study Plan' email.

View important dates to be aware of listed on the Academic Calendar.

Preparing to start at UQ (Information Sessions)

New UQ students or international students arriving to Australia for the first time, are invited to attend our online preparing to start at UQ sessions to learn about life at UQ and how best to manage the transition to study in Brisbane.

These sessions will give students and their parents a good indication of what their first few weeks at UQ will be like and will cover key points, including preparing to arrive in Brisbane, enrolment, orientation, getting support and how to navigate websites for resources and program information.

Sessions will take place from January - February to prepare students for Semester 1, 2025. 

Resources for Academic English support.


Contact Helen or Lorraine by email or book an appointment to see us at the BEL Student Centre or online via Zoom.

  • Email quoting your student number and preferably use your student email, or
  • Book an appointment time using the first letter of your family name (UQ login required).

Family name beginning with A-L; Helen

Book appointment

Family name beginning with M-Z; Lorraine

Book appointment