Work-integrated learning
Gain work experience with an industry partner for academic credit
Work-integrated learning combines academic theory with meaningful workplace practice within the curriculum to help you develop your employability.
If you are in the final year of your coursework, work-integrated learning provides an opportunity to put theory into practice, develop your personal and professional skills, establish networks, and find out what it’s like to work in your area of study. It bridges the gap between your academic studies and your career.
Taking part in a WIL course will develop:
- an awareness of workplace culture and expectations
- a practical appreciation of your career
- industry insights
- experiences for your CV/job application
- career capability by gaining employability and transferable skills.
Entry requirements
To be eligible to take a work-integrated learning course, you must be in the final year of your degree program, with space to take an elective and a minimum overall GPA of 4. If you are organising your own internship, the proposed experience must meet minimum requirements and be approved as well. Once approved, you can enrol in the course.
Find out if you're eligible
First step is to complete the WIl Application form, to access the form go to the process for the WIL Applications via this link. The form will check your eligibility towards your program and you will find out if you are eligible to take a work-integrated learning course. If you are eligible, you will be provided with additional information about next steps to complete your application for your WIL course.
Important dates for Semester 1, 2025
Applications open: Mid-September 2024
Applications close: Now closed
Last day to submit the internship information form: Now closed
BEL work-integrated learning options
There are three different options for undertaking a work-integrated learning course. Learn about your options, the process for each and get in touch to express interest.
Find 120 hours of work experience related to your field of study with a host organisation, on-site or online.
Industry consulting project
Work in a team with other students and an industry partner online or on-campus over a semester.
Upcoming WIL Consults
Book a consult with a WIL Adviser and Employability Specialist
If you have questions in relation to the WIL process, types of placements available, how to approach an organisation about a placement, CV and Cover Letters etc. then register your interest in this upcoming WIL event conducted via Zoom.BEL Careers and Employability
+61 7 3365 4222
8:30am–4:30pm M-F
Colin Clark Courtyard, Room 107
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