Melbourne network

Get connected with other UQ Business, Economics and Law Alumni living in Melbourne.

There is a vibrant community of UQ alumni living in Melbourne, including a team of dedicated volunteer ambassadors who are eager to build the community and remain connected to UQ.  There are opportunities to connect with fellow alumni at events and through social media platforms, providing key industry contacts, mentors and employment opportunities from the wider business community.


Meetups are on hold during COVID-19.  View past meetups to get an idea of what they're like.

Melbourne Alumni Ambassadors

John HoldingProfile photo of John Holding

Chair, Melbourne Alumni Ambassador Council
Group Executive – People and Performance, Nufarm
UQ qualifications: MBA 2012

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Yvonne Huang

Deputy Chair, Melbourne Alumni Ambassador Council 
Global Client Account Manager, Deloitte
UQ qualifications: Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Economics ‘16

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Nancy ChenProfile photo of Nancy Chen

Financial Controller, Drake Australia Pty Ltd
UQ Qualifications: MBA, 1996

Professional memberships

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Eugene Foo

Senior Legal Counsel, Latitude Financial Services
UQ qualifications: Bachelor of Laws 1993

Professional memberships
Australian Corporate Lawyers Association

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profile photo of Srikar MaddiSrikar Maddi

Director, WeClan
UQ qualifications: Master of Business (Advanced) 2010

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Profile photo of Peter MastersPete Masters

Senior Partnerships Manager, Unloan
UQ Qualification: BBusMan/BCom 2011

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 Kwok Yen Wong

Profile photo of KY WongAmbassador Emeritus, BEL Alumni Ambassador Council in Singapore (2015 - 2021)
Joint Managing Director, Tristar Capital Partners Pty Ltd
Non-Executive Director, Cyber PR Pty Ltd

UQ qualifications: Bachelor of Economics (Hons) 1988

Professional memberships
Fellow, Financial Services Institute of Australasia
Graduate, Australian Institute of Company Directors

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Contact a member of the BEL Faculty Advancement team to discuss your relationship with the Faculty, options for giving back to current and future students, partnership opportunities, upcoming events and more.

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